New You Keto For Dieting Tips

new you keto  that are really healthy this is one of my favorite is this a lot of this Asian sesame mm-hmm I actually use where you're gonna find your yogurt quick ones like the OPA and the Bolthouse though so they won't be will be like 42 and your protein might be 30 those really aren't super super close you want closer because if they're if they got super high carbs you're gonna have a lot of calories you're gonna have a lot of fat a lot of sugar so you want to make sure not for not on protein bars are made alike so I'm gonna look because I have a beloved bar that I eat which is a kind bar and I am gonna when I go home I'm gonna check and see what that is and see if it meets that yeah because you want it to be fairly close together the more the farther apart they are the less healthy that protein bar is going to be for you excellent I love that tip thank you so much those are another fast go to I eat these all the time fast really simple easy go-to snack okay so I'm gonna check on our vegetables really quickly I know they're not quite brown enough but you couldn't start seeing oh it makes them so good they're starting to brown and golden yeah and you can see and I usually roast mine just a little bit darker than here but they're already getting tender mmm that's my oven same clothes me just in ten minutes huh yep just in timid so you only want him in there for 10 to 15 minutes that's why they're a fast quick thing yeah so really the longest part is